The Harambee House meeting was a thing of beauty, good for the optics and it embodied the desire of Kenyans across the board. I hold the opinion that the Kenyatta and Odinga era are coming to a halt and the only legacy that the two can leave behind is a united nation. They both led us to the brink of civil war (twice) therefore, the only thing that Kenyans will remember them for is their ability to unite us. Their fathers had the opportunity but they squandered it, the children cannot afford to repeat it.
Hence, talks about Big 4 and other brilliantly penned national economic agenda will amount to nothingness if the people of Kenya do not live in harmony. I must therefore give a thumbs up to the people who impressed upon both leaders the importance of starting the conversation of unity.
However, looking at the substance of the document that has been released to the public titled: Building Bridges To A New Kenyan Nation, one can’t help but notice how both leaders have danced around the issues affecting this country. The document leaves us with more questions than answers; Uhuru and Raila will work together in what capacity? Will Raila occupy the new office that is to be created? What happens to the quest for electoral reforms?
I have agitated for the two leaders to meet, but I’ve never trusted their ability to meet without us (wanjiku) and include us in their agenda. I sense that an office has been created for Raila and this leaves the other NASA principles at an awkward positon, if Raila will be busy building the nation with Uhuru then it means the principles have been pushed to obscurity, they are nothing without Raila, none of them can organize them around an agenda like Raila and ODM can, hence in my opinion, a coup just occurred in NASA and Baba has run away with the engine of the car. It will take a year or two for the other mechanics (Mudavadi, Kalonzo and Wetangula) to get another car.
In the meantime, Ruto must be very weary of Raila undermining him, the DP will find himself with a lot of time in his hands to politic, it is my opinion that over the next few years ,Ruto and Raila will be the newsmakers. There is also the possibility of a constitutional amendment to expand the executive, which is in the interest of both Raila and Ruto.
As for the other foot soldiers of both the president and the former prime minister, it’s time to adapt to the changing political times, the tone has changed, from that of resistance to one of embrace.
By Jim India
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There truly has been a coup in NASA that reflects the secret collaborations between Raila and Uhuru. Maybe there is really no coalition but pure bussiness between the two. Where the government finally gets to unite kenyans under the (fake) coalition, and Odinga stands to reap some benefits from it. Maybe there is really no office for Odinga, but that he stands to reap some benefits…maybe, but its a good move/trick, to unite kenyans.