As I lie in my bed,
Staring at the dark ceiling,
in a flash, memories come.
There she was in her bed,
staring back at me.
She enclosed me in her arms,
Her warmth was ice-cold.
She held me tighter
And I pressed her body against mine harder.
I could feel her heartbeat,
Running through me.
I could feel her breath
around my neck.
She pushed me away.
Her eyes wet with tears,
she stared at me.
Like a cobra she was ready,
ready to spit her venom.
She cleared her throat,
“I…I..,” she stammered.
I eagerly waited for her.
Sobbing uncontrollably she continued,
“I… W.. We can’t move on…”.
As I lie in my bed,
Those words keep on ringing in my mind
like an alarm clock.