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Reconciliation Saves Us Tomorrow

Restoration of relationship between disputants and adversaries is basically what we refer to as reconciliation. It is one of the slowest and most difficult processes as it is based on developing new trust and forgiveness. In most cases we confuse forgiveness with reconciliation. In forgiveness one can make peace with his creator in form of confession while reconciliation is the one on one contact focused on building the broken relationship and trust.

Life is not a bed of roses, it comes with its challenges every single day and we humans who live it are not perfect either. We face various circumstances every day and decisions we make towards resolving them may not augur well with our peers. We fight different battles within the silent chamber of our hearts, we cross paths, argue, fight and offend one another either deliberately or not. We are bound to make mistakes that may hurt our close ones but what we do to amend the broken walls is very important. In many cases we are able to resolve our differences and continue with a normal relationship. At times we get to a point of letting go which causes too much bitterness in both parties.

Unknown to many, reconciliation has the power to free not just an individual but an entire society from conflicts and pains. It begins with you accepting your fault and having the will to amend it; only then will you be ready to take responsibility for your action. It then moves to confession of the crime to the adversary, which you should do in absolute brutal truth. This saves time and pain as it means you are ready to ask for forgiveness.

Reconciliation is one topic Kenyan’s are so familiar with. In the past we saw it bring peace through the African Unions Chairman Kofi Annam, during the 2007/2008 post-election violence when Kenya faced serious skirmishes. It played a vital role in uniting us as a nation. As if it wasn’t the end of it, it helped settle dispute again this year when top leaders came together to save our country from falling apart. In his acceptance speech the president said, “for the country to come together, leaders must be able to discuss their differences freely and openly to help settle the ethnic divisions and frictions in the country,” a clear indication that reconciliation begins with you as an individual.

All in all, unity is peace. When we unite we build. Kenya is bigger than you and I and by saving it we secure tomorrow. It never hurts to say sorry; make it a hobby.

Reconciliation is a tool of peace, unity, love and growth.

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