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About us

Mobile devices are revolutionizing storytelling. Journalists and trained communication experts are using them to tell stories from different locations at different times altogether. These devices, we choose to call Pocket Studios, are the new way of doing stories. For modern-day storytellers like us it is a blessing. With the mobile phone camera and a few add-ons, stories can equally be told just as they are with the professional cameras.
Today, we can use these devices, even in the remote villages in the countryside. Today, we cannot make the excuse of having no camera to cover an event and do a report. Today, we can shoot short films and tell our stories ourselves.
Welcome to the future of storytelling. www.mobilejournalism.co.ke is a platform for all of you. We seek to prepare the next generation of storytellers and we’ll do so together. We are going to change the way our narratives are told. For we believe that ‘Our Stories are Best Told by Us’ and that it is not always what bleeds that should lead.